Phase II Study of Haploidentical Allogeneic Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation in Patients With High-Risk Acute Myeloid Leukemia in First Remission

Phase 2
18 Years
59 Years
Not Enrolling
Adult Acute Erythroid Leukemia, Adult Acute Monoblastic and Acute Monocytic Leukemia, Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Thank you

Trial Information

Phase II Study of Haploidentical Allogeneic Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation in Patients With High-Risk Acute Myeloid Leukemia in First Remission



- Determine the safety and antileukemia activity of haploidentical allogeneic peripheral
blood stem cell transplantation in patients with high-risk acute myeloid leukemia in
first remission.


- Determine the early treatment-related mortality (before day 100) of patients treated
with this regimen.

- Determine the incidence of acute graft-versus-host disease in patients treated with
this regimen.

- Determine the incidence of graft failure in patients treated with this regimen.

- Correlate a mismatch in the expression of the natural killer cell inhibitory receptors
CD158a and CD158b with engraftment and disease recurrence in patients treated with this

OUTLINE: This is a multicenter study.

Patients receive a preparative regimen comprising total-body irradiation twice on day –8;
fludarabine IV over 30 minutes on days –7 to –3; thiotepa IV over 2 hours twice on day –7;
and antithymocyte globulin IV over 4-6 hours on days –5 to –2. Patients undergo
haploidentical allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation on day 0.

Patients are followed at day 100, at least monthly for 2 years, and then periodically for 3

PROJECTED ACCRUAL: A total of 44 patients will be accrued for this study within 2.2 years.

Inclusion Criteria


- Morphologically confirmed acute myeloid leukemia of 1 of the following subtypes:

- Acute myeloblastic leukemia (M0, M1, M2)

- Acute myelomonocytic leukemia (M4)

- Acute monocytic leukemia (M5)

- Acute erythroleukemia (M6)

- Acute megakaryocytic leukemia (M7)

- Must have 1 of the following karyotypic abnormalities at the time of diagnosis:

- Complex cytogenetic abnormalities (≥ 3 cytogenetic clones)

- Abnormalities of chromosome 5 [-5 or del(5q)]

- Abnormalities of the long (q) arm of chromosome 3, 9, 11, 20, or 21

- Abnormalities of the short (p) arm of chromosome 17, monosomy 7, t(9;22), or t(6;9)

- In morphologic first complete remission*, as evidenced by all of the following for ≥
4 weeks before study entry:

- Absolute neutrophil count > 1,000/mm^3

- Platelet count > 100,000/mm^3

- Leukemic blasts not present in the peripheral blood

- Cellularity of bone marrow biopsy > 20% with maturation of all cell lines

- Less than 5% blasts by bone marrow biopsy

- No extramedullary leukemia, such as CNS or soft tissue involvement NOTE: *Reduced
hemoglobin concentration or hematocrit has no bearing on remission status

- Haploidentical (3/6 or 4/6 antigen matched [A, B, and DR]) family donor available



- 18 to 59

Performance status

- ECOG 0-2

Life expectancy

- Not specified


- See Disease Characteristics


- Bilirubin ≤ 2.0 mg/dL

- AST < 2 times upper limit of normal


- Creatinine ≤ 1.5 mg/dL


- Ejection fraction > 40% by MUGA or echocardiogram

- None of the following within the past 3 months:

- Myocardial infarction

- Significant congestive heart failure

- Significant cardiac arrhythmia


- FEV_1 and DLCO > 50% of predicted


- HIV negative

- No active or unresolved infection

- No evidence of invasive fungal infection (e.g., positive blood or deep tissue
cultures or stains)


- Not pregnant or nursing

- Negative pregnancy test

- Fertile patients must use effective contraception

- No organ damage

- No other medical problem that would preclude study participation

- No other currently active tumor that would likely interfere with study treatment or
that would likely compromise the patient’s morbidity or mortality


Biologic therapy

- No concurrent routine use of filgrastim (G-CSF) or sargramostim (GM-CSF) to
accelerate hematopoietic recovery post-transplantation


- More than 4 weeks since prior chemotherapy

Endocrine therapy

- Not specified


- More than 4 weeks since prior radiotherapy


- Not specified

Type of Study:


Study Design:

Primary Purpose: Treatment

Principal Investigator

Mark R. Litzow, MD

Investigator Role:

Study Chair

Investigator Affiliation:

Mayo Clinic


United States: Federal Government

Study ID:




Start Date:

Completion Date:

Related Keywords:

  • Adult Acute Erythroid Leukemia
  • Adult Acute Monoblastic and Acute Monocytic Leukemia
  • Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia
  • adult erythroleukemia (M6a)
  • adult acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (M7)
  • adult acute minimally differentiated myeloid leukemia (M0)
  • adult acute monocytic leukemia (M5b)
  • adult acute myeloblastic leukemia with maturation (M2)
  • adult acute myeloblastic leukemia without maturation (M1)
  • adult acute myeloid leukemia in remission
  • adult acute myeloid leukemia with 11q23 (MLL) abnormalities
  • adult acute myeloid leukemia with inv(16)(p13;q22)
  • adult acute myeloid leukemia with t(16;16)(p13;q22)
  • adult acute myeloid leukemia with t(8;21)(q22;q22)
  • adult acute myelomonocytic leukemia (M4)
  • Leukemia
  • Leukemia, Erythroblastic, Acute
  • Leukemia, Monocytic, Acute
  • Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute
  • Leukemia, Myeloid

