A Phase 2, Open-Label Study of MAC-321 Administered Intravenously as a Single Agent for the Treatment of Advanced Colorectal Cancer
Inclusion Criteria:
- Histologic and/or cytologic diagnosis of metastatic or relapsed colorectal cancer at
any time during disease but not candidates for surgical resection.
- Prior treatment with at least 1 conventional approved therapeutic regimen.
- Subjects who have failed prior cytotoxic chemotherapy regimens containing irinotecan
(CPT-11), 5 fluorouracil (5-FU), and/or oxaliplatin for advanced (relapsed)
metastatic colon cancer are eligible
Exclusion Criteria:
- Other chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy, or investigational agents within 4
weeks before signing the ICF (6 weeks if the previous chemotherapy included
nitrosoureas or mitomycin)
- Prior radiotherapy to >25% of bone marrow
- Prior exposure to MAC-321