Biological Specimen Collection for Laboratory Methods Development and for Training Purposes

21 Years
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Trial Information

Biological Specimen Collection for Laboratory Methods Development and for Training Purposes

We propose two related activities that involve the collection of biological samples. The
first involves the collection of mouthwash samples from 200 volunteers, to assess the
feasibility of pooling samples for quantitative genotype determinations. For a small number
of volunteers, we will also collect a peripheral blood sample and a skin punch biopsy for
establishment of lymphoblastoid and fibroblast cell lines. The blood and skin samples will
be used to compare the amount and subcellular localization of DNA repair proteins between
lymphocytes (cells most commonly collected in epidemiologic studies) and fibroblasts (the
cell types commonly used in assay development). In addition, we will conduct hands-on
education and training sessions in molecular genetics for members of DCEG and others. The
hands-on education sessions will be aimed at non-laboratory scientists and involve 6-9 hours
of demonstration and participation in basic molecular genetics techniques. Participants
will have the option of collecting their own mouthwash sample, extracting the DNA, and
performing a genotyping assay on their sample in the Laboratory of Population Genetics in
Building 41. After the education session, the biological samples will be reassigned
arbitrary numbers not linked to personally identifying information and will be used for
laboratory methods development only.

Inclusion Criteria


All individuals age 21 and older will be eligible.


Participants who have volunteered for previous DCEG studies within the past three years
in which buccal or blood samples were collected will be excluded because the samples
collected in the current study may be combined with some previously collected samples and
duplication of subjects is to be avoided.

Individuals with known active oral disease will be excluded from the buccal cell
collection component, and those known to form keloids will be excluded from the skin
biopsy component.

Type of Study:


Study Design:



United States: Federal Government

Study ID:




Start Date:

October 2001

Completion Date:

September 2005

Related Keywords:

  • Healthy
  • Buccal
  • DNA
  • Pooling
  • Genotyping
  • Mouthwash
  • Healthy Volunteer
  • HV
  • Normal Control



National Cancer Institute (NCI) Bethesda, Maryland  20892