The current study focuses on an environmental exposure assessment of a South Baltimore
community residing near a heavily industrialized area. Exposure differences between this
community and a reference community that is demographically similar to South Baltimore but
has limited industrial impact will be assessed. Participants will include both parent child
study pairs and adults. Outdoor, indoor and personal 72 hour badge monitoring for benzene,
1,3-butadiene and carbon tetrachloride will be performed. Two urinary biomarkers for benzene
exposure, trans,trans-muconic acid (ttMA) and s-phenylmercapturic acid (S-PMA) will be
measured at 3 daily time points over the 3 day period. Past work indicates that ingestion of
sorbate preserved foods causes substantial interference with the benzene biomarker, ttMA.
Therefore, participants will restrict their intake of sorbate preserved foods during the
study. On the day of greatest dietary restriction, a 24 hour benzene personal air
measurement will be obtained. Data analysis will include correlations of benzene badge
exposure measurements and urinary biomarkers. Air and biomarker benzene exposure data will
be compared between communities. Linear regression modeling will be used to determine
important explanatory factors of the biomarkers. The inclusion of parent child study pairs
will also allow correlation of benzene air levels and urinary biomarkers between parents and
children. This will provide exposure information on a potentially susceptible subpopulation,
e.g. children, and allow assessment of potential for age-related differences in benzene
metabolism. Finally, we will be able to determine if dietary restriction is practical and
results in greater specificity of ttMA as a benzene biomarker.
Allocation: Random Sample, Primary Purpose: Screening, Time Perspective: Cross-Sectional
United States: Federal Government
Name | Location |
Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health | Baltimore, Maryland 21205 |